Thursday, October 13, 2011


Challenge Participants!

The end is almost here! :)
*Monday morning* everyone will need to weigh in
and report their percentage of weight lost along with points for the
previous week. *Remember to weigh in on the same scale of your first
weigh in...wearing the same thing you wore then*
. If you have missed
reporting points for previous weeks, you will need to report them asap.

For anyone that isn't sure about how to calculate the percentage, here is
what you will need to do.

1. Calculate how many lbs you lost.

2. Take the lbs you lost and divide them by your starting weight. Then
just move the decimal 2 spaces to the right to give you your percentage of
weight lost.


Here's an example:

Starting weight: 205

Lbs lost: 22

22 lbs divided by 205 lbs = .1073 or 10.73%


Another example:

Starting weight: 187.5
Lbs lost: 28

28 lbs divided by 187.5 lbs = .1493 or 14.93%


If you are unsure about calculating your percentage, let me know, I would
be glad to help.

**The deadline to have your percentage of weight lost and weekly points turned in will be Tuesday @ noon.
If I don't get your points and percentage lost by then, I will need to assume that you have dropped out. So get your points in!**

I want to congratulate everyone that participated in this challenge. So
many of you put your heart and soul into it and it's paid off. Regardless
of who actually wins, we should all feel good about making progress and
doing things that will help us to be healthier. :)

Don't forget to weigh in MONDAY morning!

Good luck! :)


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week #7 Points

We are now entering the FINAL WEEK of the challenge! :) Woo Hoo! It's been a long 7 weeks but I hope you've all noticed some great changes. I know this challenge has been so good for me. I have more energy, I feel happier and I've been able to drop a few pounds.

I wish you all the best of luck (though I guess I should be saying that I wish you the best of your efforts) during this last week. Stay strong. You can do this.

Even though the challenge is almost over, I hope that these weeks have taught you some things about what eating healthy and exercise can do and that you will want to continue these habits. :)

On MONDAY, OCTOBER 17th we will have our final weigh in. Please watch for an email later this week giving you instructions for calculating this and reporting your points.

Please leave your Week #7 Points either as a comment below or send them to me by email:

Keep up the good work!


Monday, October 3, 2011

Week #6 Points

2 weeks to go! :) You can do this! Please either leave your point total for Week #6 as a comment below or email it to me at Thanks!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Week #5 Points

Wow....I can't believe we've already been at this for 5 weeks. Hopefully you've been seeing some great changes. Please leave your points for the week either as a comment under this post or email them to me at

Keep up the great work! :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Week #4 Points

YES! We're 1/2 way there! 4 down, 4 to go! :)

Please report your points either by leaving a comment under this post or emailing them to me at

Monday, September 12, 2011

Week #3 Points

It's that time again. Please report your points for Week 3. :) Keep it up! YOU CAN DO THIS!....and you'll be glad you did.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Running Totals

I still don't have numbers from a few participants. Here is what I do have:

Brittany Burt 1120
Christine Evans 1120
Ilene Aitken 1120
Jakob Evans 1120
Jan Barba 1120
Jody Benson 1120
Mercedes Pratt 1120
Shawnette Page 1120
Heidi Evans 1100
Vonell Hatch 1090
Nikki Conk 1070
Scott Evans 1040
Jodilyn Wall 940
Shannon Johnson 920
Lisa Mcewen 860
Chrishelle Rice 560
Corie Schultz 560
Kim Aitken 540
Angella Hopkins 190
Fitu Toomalatai
Holly Aitken