Sunday, April 10, 2011

Week #7 Points


  1. Shawnette - 560. However I need to have 20 points taken from my overall total. I inadvertantly ate a fried food a few weeks ago. I had no idea the leftover rice I ate had been fried before it was steamed, until I asked my niece for her recipe. Sorry.

  2. Michelle Bingham-560
    Jake Bingham-560

  3. I totally messed up [unintentionally] this week! My toddler was sitting next to me eating goldfish crackers while we watched a movie, and I MINDLESSLY helped myself to some of her goldfish....AFTER I partook, I looked at the clock - it was 8:59PM. Aaauuugh!

    Score for this week: 540

  4. Jakob & Heidi - 560 point each

  5. Fitu-560 Goin all the way baby!!!

    Tracy-480 Not goin very far :(

  6. Jenny Carr- 560 points...forgot to post yesterday! Crazy day!!! It's killing me to lose my bonus freebie. I guess this is the week to do it! :D. Thanks again!
