Monday, March 7, 2011

Week #2 Points


  1. Jakob & Heidi Evans - 560 points

  2. Vonell--560 points! And it wasn't easy.

  3. Marianne Iverson-560 and I agree it wasn't easy! With a day in the emergency room that took up most of my freebies....nothing life threatening, just make sure to chew your food really good so it goes ALL the way to your stomach, and doesn't get stuck midway! With Fast Sunday yesterday and no freebies can imagine what dinner looked like!

  4. Yikes! Hope you are doing well.
    I just wanted to say thank you to the Challenge!!! Someone just put Rocky Road and Walnut Fudge from The Homestead out at work just now and the Challenge is the ONLY thing that is stopping far...forget the so far...I will not.

  5. Fitu-560!!! WooHoo!!!!!

    Tracy-540 Not so WooHoo!

  6. 560 Stanford Hadley
    560 Lynette Hadley

  7. Michelle Bingham-560
    Jake Bingham-560

    Jake has been out of town on parts of both of these first two weeks and still has gotten perfect scores!!! Woo Hoo!

  8. Shawnette -560 and fast sunday is always hard, not enough hours to cram all that food in!

  9. Everyone has done such a great job so far! :) I think we have some pretty fierce competition this time!

  10. AnnaLee Marston - 540
    John Stacey - 560

  11. 560 for me.

    Luckily, from the past challenges that I've done, (this is my 4th one!) I learned that Fast Sunday is too hard to get all the requirements, so I save all my freebies for that day!

    Beeb what's going on? I'm calling you. Except you're in bed now - and probably have been for 2 hours. ;) Tomorrow....

  12. Vonelle, I don't consider using a "little" bit of canola oil to cook something as being "fried". There's a difference between that and french fries or tater tots. I'm not deducting 20 points from week #1. Just make sure that you are only using a small amount. :)
